{"Your admin pages are being cached. Clear this cache and try again. There may be multiple caches involved.":[""],"This is usually fixed by doing one of the following:":[""],"You are using an old or cached session":[""],"Please review your data and try again.":[""],"There was a problem making a request to your site. This could indicate you provided data that did not match requirements, or that the plugin sent a bad request.":[""],"Bad data":[""],"WordPress returned an unexpected message. This could be a PHP error from another plugin, or data inserted by your theme.":[""],"Your WordPress REST API has been disabled. You will need to enable it to continue.":[""],"An unknown error occurred.":[""],"Your REST API is being redirected. Please remove the redirection for the API.":[""],"A security plugin or firewall is blocking access. You will need to whitelist the REST API.":[""],"Your server configuration is blocking access to the REST API. You will need to fix this.":[""],"Check your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and fix any issues.":[""],"Can you access your {{api}}REST API{{/api}} without it redirecting? If not then you will need to fix any issues.":[""],"Your REST API is returning a 404 page. This is almost certainly an external plugin or server configuration issue.":[""],"Debug Information":[""],"Show debug":[""],"View Data":[""],"Other":[""],"Redirection stores no user identifiable information other than what is configured above. It is your responsibility to ensure your site meets any applicable {{link}}privacy requirements{{/link}}.":[""],"Capture HTTP header information with logs (except cookies). It may include user information, and could increase your log size.":[""],"Track redirect hits and date of last access. Contains no user information.":[""],"Log \"external\" redirects - those not from Redirection. This can increase your log size and contains no user information.":[""],"Logging":[""],"(IP logging level)":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?":[""],"View Redirect":[""],"RSS":[""],"Group by user agent":[""],"Search domain":[""],"Redirect By":[""],"Domain":[""],"Method":[""],"If that did not help then {{strong}}create an issue{{/strong}} or send it in an {{strong}}email{{/strong}}.":[""],"Please check the {{link}}support site{{/link}} before proceeding further.":[""],"Something went wrong when upgrading Redirection.":[""],"Something went wrong when installing Redirection.":[""],"Apply To All":[""],"Bulk Actions (all)":[""],"Actions applied to all selected items":[""],"Actions applied to everything that matches current filter":[""],"Redirect Source":[""],"Request Headers":[""],"Exclude from logs":[""],"Cannot connect to the server to determine the redirect status.":[""],"Your URL is cached and the cache may need to be cleared.":[""],"Something else other than Redirection is redirecting this URL.":[""],"Relocate to domain":[""],"Want to redirect the entire site? Enter a domain to redirect everything, except WordPress login and admin. Enabling this option will disable any site aliases or canonical settings.":[""],"Relocate Site":[""],"Add CORS Presets":[""],"Add Security Presets":[""],"Add Header":[""],"You should update your site URL to match your canonical settings: {{code}}%(current)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[""],"Preferred domain":[""],"{{strong}}Warning{{/strong}}: ensure your HTTPS is working before forcing a redirect.":[""],"Force a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteHTTPS)s{{/code}}":[""],"Canonical Settings":[""],"Add www to domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}}":[""],"Remove www from domain - {{code}}%(siteWWW)s{{/code}} ⇒ {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[""],"Don't set a preferred domain - {{code}}%(site)s{{/code}}":[""],"Add Alias":[""],"No aliases":[""],"Alias":[""],"Aliased Domain":[""],"You will need to configure your system (DNS and server) to pass requests for these domains to this WordPress install.":[""],"A site alias is another domain that you want to be redirected to this site. For example, an old domain, or a subdomain. This will redirect all URLs, including WordPress login and admin.":[""],"Site Aliases":[""],"The companion plugin Search Regex allows you to search and replace data on your site. It also supports Redirection, and is handy if you want to bulk update a lot of redirects.":[""],"Need to search and replace?":[""],"Options on this page can cause problems if used incorrectly. You can {{link}}temporarily disable them{{/link}} to make changes.":[""],"Please wait, importing.":[""],"Continue":[""],"The following plugins have been detected.":[""],"WordPress automatically creates redirects when you change a post URL. Importing these into Redirection will allow you to manage and monitor them.":[""],"Importing existing redirects from WordPress or other plugins is a good way to get started with Redirection. Check each set of redirects you wish to import.":[""],"Import Existing Redirects":[""],"That's all there is to it - you are now redirecting! Note that the above is just an example.":[""],"If you want to redirect everything please use a site relocation or alias from the Site page.":[""],"Value":["Value"],"Values":["Values"],"All":["All"],"Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed.":["Note that some HTTP headers are set by your server and cannot be changed."],"No headers":["No headers"],"Header":["Header"],"Location":["Location"],"Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects.":["Site headers are added across your site, including redirects. Redirect headers are only added to redirects."],"HTTP Headers":["HTTP Headers"],"Custom Header":["Custom Header"],"General":["General"],"Redirect":["Redirect"],"Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring.":["Some servers may be configured to serve file resources directly, preventing a redirect occurring."],"Site":["Site"],"Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy.":["Unable to make request due to browser security. This is typically because your WordPress and Site URL settings are inconsistent, or the request was blocked by your site CORS policy."],"Ignore & Pass Query":["Ignore & Pass Query"],"Ignore Query":["Ignore Query"],"Exact Query":["Exact Query"],"Search title":["Search title"],"Not accessed in last year":["Not accessed in last year"],"Not accessed in last month":["Not accessed in last month"],"Never accessed":["Never accessed"],"Last Accessed":["Last Accessed"],"HTTP Status Code":["HTTP Status Code"],"Plain":["Plain"],"URL match":["URL match"],"Source":["Source"],"Code":["Code"],"Action Type":["Action Type"],"Match Type":["Match Type"],"Search target URL":["Search target URL"],"Search IP":["Search IP"],"Search user agent":["Search user agent"],"Search referrer":["Search referrer"],"Search URL":["Search URL"],"Filter on: %(type)s":["Filter on: %(type)s"],"Disabled":["Disabled"],"Enabled":["Enabled"],"Compact Display":["Compact Display"],"Standard Display":["Standard Display"],"Status":["Status"],"Pre-defined":["Predefined"],"Custom Display":["Custom Display"],"Display All":["Display All"],"Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?":["Your URL appears to contain a domain inside the path: {{code}}%(relative)s{{/code}}. Did you mean to use {{code}}%(absolute)s{{/code}} instead?"],"Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)":["Comma separated list of languages to match against (i.e. da, en-GB)"],"Language":["Language"],"504 - Gateway Timeout":["504 - Gateway Timeout"],"503 - Service Unavailable":["503 - Service Unavailable"],"502 - Bad Gateway":["502 - Bad Gateway"],"501 - Not implemented":["501 - Not implemented"],"500 - Internal Server Error":["500 - Internal Server Error"],"451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons":["451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons"],"URL and language":["URL and language"],"Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session.":["Log out, clear your browser cache, and log in again - your browser has cached an old session."],"Reload the page - your current session is old.":["Reload the page - your current session is old."],"A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved.":["A loop was detected and the upgrade has been stopped. This usually indicates {{support}}your site is cached{{/support}} and database changes are not being saved."],"Unable to save .htaccess file":["Unable to save .htaccess file"],"Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}.":["Redirects added to an Apache group can be saved to an {{code}}.htaccess{{/code}} file by adding the full path here. For reference, your WordPress is installed to {{code}}%(installed)s{{/code}}."],"Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished.":["Click \"Complete Upgrade\" when finished."],"Automatic Install":["Automatic Install"],"Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}":["Your target URL contains the invalid character {{code}}%(invalid)s{{/code}}"],"If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues.":["If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer then look at your {{link}}Site Health{{/link}} and resolve any issues."],"If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here.":["If you do not complete the manual install you will be returned here."],"Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished.":["Click \"Finished! 🎉\" when finished."],"If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL.":["If your site needs special database permissions, or you would rather do it yourself, you can manually run the following SQL."],"Manual Install":["Manual Install"],"Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions.":["Insufficient database permissions detected. Please give your database user appropriate permissions."],"This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes.":["This information is provided for debugging purposes. Be careful making any changes."],"Plugin Debug":["Plugin Debug"],"Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it.":["Redirection communicates with WordPress through the WordPress REST API. This is a standard part of WordPress, and you will experience problems if you cannot use it."],"IP Headers":["IP Headers"],"Do not change unless advised to do so!":["Do not change unless advised to do so!"],"Database version":["Database version"],"Complete data (JSON)":["Complete data (JSON)"],"Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format.":["Export to CSV, Apache .htaccess, Nginx, or Redirection JSON. The JSON format contains full information, and other formats contain partial information appropriate to the format."],"CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data.":["CSV does not include all information, and everything is imported/exported as \"URL only\" matches. Use the JSON format for a full set of data."],"All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged.":["All imports will be appended to the current database - nothing is merged."],"Automatic Upgrade":["Automatic Upgrade"],"Manual Upgrade":["Manual Upgrade"],"Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection.":["Please make a backup of your Redirection data: {{download}}downloading a backup{{/download}}. If you experience any issues you can import this back into Redirection."],"Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database.":["Click the \"Upgrade Database\" button to automatically upgrade the database."],"Complete Upgrade":["Complete Upgrade"],"Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}.":["Redirection stores data in your database and sometimes this needs upgrading. Your database is at version {{strong}}%(current)s{{/strong}} and the latest is {{strong}}%(latest)s{{/strong}}."],"Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options.":["Note that you will need to set the Apache module path in your Redirection options."],"I need support!":["I need support!"],"You will need at least one working REST API to continue.":["You will need at least one working REST API to continue."],"Check Again":["Check Again"],"Testing - %s$":["Testing - %s$"],"Show Problems":["Show Problems"],"Summary":["Summary"],"Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed.":["Your REST API is not working and the plugin will not be able to continue until this is fixed."],"There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work.":["There are some problems connecting to your REST API. It is not necessary to fix these problems and the plugin is able to work."],"Unavailable":["Unavailable"],"Working but some issues":["Working but some issues"],"Current API":["Current API"],"Switch to this API":["Switch to this API"],"Hide":["Hide"],"Show Full":["Show Full"],"Working!":["Working!"],"Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}https://domain.com/%(url)s{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}.":["Your target URL should be an absolute URL like {{code}}https://domain.com/%(url)s{{/code}} or start with a slash {{code}}/%(url)s{{/code}}."],"Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action.":["Your source is the same as a target and this will create a loop. Leave a target blank if you do not want to take action."],"The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink.":["The target URL you want to redirect, or auto-complete on post name or permalink."],"Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot.":["Include these details in your report along with a description of what you were doing and a screenshot."],"Create An Issue":["Create An Issue"],"What do I do next?":["What do I do next?"],"Possible cause":["Possible cause"],"This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log":["This could be a security plugin, or your server is out of memory or has an external error. Please check your server error log"],"Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests.":["Your REST API is probably being blocked by a security plugin. Please disable this, or configure it to allow REST API requests."],"Read this REST API guide for more information.":["Read this REST API guide for more information."],"URL options / Regex":["URL options / Regex"],"Export 404":["Export 404"],"Export redirect":["Export redirect"],"WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression.":["WordPress permalink structures do not work in normal URLs. Please use a regular expression."],"Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target":["Pass - as ignore, but also copies the query parameters to the target"],"Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source":["Ignore - as exact, but ignores any query parameters not in your source"],"Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order":["Exact - matches the query parameters exactly defined in your source, in any order"],"Default query matching":["Default query matching"],"Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Ignore trailing slashes (i.e. {{code}}/exciting-post/{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})":["Case insensitive matches (i.e. {{code}}/Exciting-Post{{/code}} will match {{code}}/exciting-post{{/code}})"],"Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise.":["Applies to all redirections unless you configure them otherwise."],"Default URL settings":["Default URL settings"],"Ignore and pass all query parameters":["Ignore and pass all query parameters"],"Ignore all query parameters":["Ignore all query parameters"],"Exact match":["Exact match"],"Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)":["Caching software (e.g Cloudflare)"],"A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)":["A security plugin (e.g Wordfence)"],"URL options":["URL options"],"Query Parameters":["Query Parameters"],"Ignore & pass parameters to the target":["Ignore & pass parameters to the target"],"Ignore all parameters":["Ignore all parameters"],"Exact match all parameters in any order":["Exact match all parameters in any order"],"Ignore Case":["Ignore Case"],"Ignore Slash":["Ignore Slash"],"Relative REST API":["Relative REST API"],"Raw REST API":["Raw REST API"],"Default REST API":["Default REST API"],"(Example) The target URL is the new URL":["(Example) The target URL is the new URL"],"(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL":["(Example) The source URL is your old or original URL"],"Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+":["Disabled! Detected PHP %1$s, need PHP %2$s+"],"A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish.":["A database upgrade is in progress. Please continue to finish."],"Redirection's database needs to be updated - click to update.":["Redirection's database needs to be updated - click to update."],"Redirection database needs upgrading":["Redirection database needs upgrading"],"Upgrade Required":["Upgrade Required"],"Finish Setup":["Finish Setup"],"You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings.":["You have different URLs configured on your WordPress Settings > General page, which is usually an indication of a misconfiguration, and it can cause problems with the REST API. Please review your settings."],"If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}.":["If you do experience a problem then please consult your plugin documentation, or try contacting your host support. This is generally {{link}}not a problem caused by Redirection{{/link}}."],"Some other plugin that blocks the REST API":["Some other plugin that blocks the REST API"],"A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)":["A server firewall or other server configuration (e.g OVH)"],"Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:":["Redirection uses the {{link}}WordPress REST API{{/link}} to communicate with WordPress. This is enabled and working by default. Sometimes the REST API is blocked by:"],"Go back":["Go back"],"Continue Setup":["Continue Setup"],"Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR).":["Storing the IP address allows you to perform additional log actions. Note that you will need to adhere to local laws regarding the collection of data (for example GDPR)."],"Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors.":["Store IP information for redirects and 404 errors."],"Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements.":["Storing logs for redirects and 404s will allow you to see what is happening on your site. This will increase your database storage requirements."],"Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors.":["Keep a log of all redirects and 404 errors."],"{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}":["{{link}}Read more about this.{{/link}}"],"If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you.":["If you change the permalink in a post or page then Redirection can automatically create a redirect for you."],"Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages":["Monitor permalink changes in WordPress posts and pages"],"These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time.":["These are some options you may want to enable now. They can be changed at any time."],"Basic Setup":["Basic Setup"],"Start Setup":["Start Setup"],"When ready please press the button to continue.":["When ready please press the button to continue."],"First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database.":["First you will be asked a few questions, and then Redirection will set up your database."],"What's next?":["What's next?"],"Check a URL is being redirected":["Check a URL is being redirected"],"More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}":["More powerful URL matching, including {{regular}}regular expressions{{/regular}}, and {{other}}other conditions{{/other}}"],"{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins":["{{link}}Import{{/link}} from .htaccess, CSV, and a variety of other plugins"],"{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems":["{{link}}Monitor 404 errors{{/link}}, get detailed information about the visitor, and fix any problems"],"Some features you may find useful are":["Some features you may find useful are"],"Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}":["Full documentation can be found on the {{link}}Redirection website.{{/link}}"],"A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:":["A simple redirect involves setting a {{strong}}source URL{{/strong}} (the old URL) and a {{strong}}target URL{{/strong}} (the new URL). Here's an example:"],"How do I use this plugin?":["How do I use this plugin?"],"Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects.":["Redirection is designed to be used on sites with a few redirects to sites with thousands of redirects."],"Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed.":["Thank you for installing and using Redirection v%(version)s. This plugin will allow you to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and improve your site, with no knowledge of Apache or Nginx needed."],"Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉":["Welcome to Redirection 🚀🎉"],"To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}":["To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use {{code}}^{{/code}} to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: {{code}}%(example)s{{/code}}"],"Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression.":["Remember to enable the \"regex\" option if this is a regular expression."],"The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}":["The source URL should probably start with a {{code}}/{{/code}}"],"This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}.":["This will be converted to a server redirect for the domain {{code}}%(server)s{{/code}}."],"Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected.":["Anchor values are not sent to the server and cannot be redirected."],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(target)s{{/code}}"],"Finished! 🎉":["Finished! 🎉"],"Progress: %(complete)d$":["Progress: %(complete)d$"],"Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems.":["Leaving before the process has completed may cause problems."],"Setting up Redirection":["Setting up Redirection"],"Upgrading Redirection":["Upgrading Redirection"],"Please remain on this page until complete.":["Please remain on this page until complete."],"If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:":["If you want to {{support}}ask for support{{/support}} please include these details:"],"Stop upgrade":["Stop upgrade"],"Skip this stage":["Skip this stage"],"Try again":["Try again"],"Database problem":["Database problem"],"Please enable JavaScript":["Please enable JavaScript"],"Please upgrade your database":["Please upgrade your database"],"Upgrade Database":["Upgrade Database"],"Please complete your Redirection setup to activate the plugin.":["Please complete your Redirection setup to activate the plugin."],"Your database does not need updating to %s.":["Your database does not need updating to %s."],"Table \"%s\" is missing":["Table \"%s\" is missing"],"Create basic data":["Create basic data"],"Install Redirection tables":["Install Redirection tables"],"Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s":["Site and home URL are inconsistent. Please correct from your Settings > General page: %1$1s is not %2$2s"],"Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do.":["Please do not try and redirect all your 404s - this is not a good thing to do."],"Only the 404 page type is currently supported.":["Only the 404 page type is currently supported."],"Page Type":["Page Type"],"Enter IP addresses (one per line)":["Enter IP addresses (one per line)"],"Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)":["Describe the purpose of this redirect (optional)"],"418 - I'm a teapot":["418 - I'm a teapot"],"403 - Forbidden":["403 - Forbidden"],"400 - Bad Request":["400 - Bad Request"],"304 - Not Modified":["304 - Not Modified"],"303 - See Other":["303 - See Other"],"Do nothing (ignore)":["Do nothing (ignore)"],"Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when not matched (empty to ignore)"],"Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)":["Target URL when matched (empty to ignore)"],"Show All":["Show All"],"Delete logs for these entries":[""],"Delete logs for this entry":[""],"Delete Log Entries":["Delete Log Entries"],"Group by IP":["Group by IP"],"Group by URL":["Group by URL"],"No grouping":["No grouping"],"Ignore URL":["Ignore URL"],"Block IP":["Block IP"],"Redirect All":["Redirect All"],"Count":["Count"],"URL and WordPress page type":["URL and WordPress page type"],"URL and IP":["URL and IP"],"Problem":["Problem"],"Good":["Good"],"Check":["Check"],"Check Redirect":["Check Redirect"],"Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}":["Check redirect for: {{code}}%s{{/code}}"],"Not using Redirection":["Not using Redirection"],"Using Redirection":["Using Redirection"],"Found":["Found"],"{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}":["{{code}}%(status)d{{/code}} to {{code}}%(url)s{{/code}}"],"Expected":["Expected"],"Error":["Error"],"Enter full URL, including http:// or https://":["Enter full URL, including http:// or https://"],"Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting.":["Sometimes your browser can cache a URL, making it hard to know if it's working as expected. Use this to check a URL to see how it is really redirecting."],"Redirect Tester":["Redirect Tester"],"Target":["Target"],"URL is not being redirected with Redirection":["URL is not being redirected with Redirection"],"URL is being redirected with Redirection":["URL is being redirected with Redirection"],"Unable to load details":["Unable to load details"],"Enter server URL to match against":["Enter server URL to match against"],"Server":["Server"],"Enter role or capability value":["Enter role or capability value"],"Role":["Role"],"Match against this browser referrer text":["Match against this browser referrer text"],"Match against this browser user agent":["Match against this browser user agent"],"The relative URL you want to redirect from":["The relative URL you want to redirect from"],"Add New":["Add New"],"URL and role/capability":["URL and role/capability"],"URL and server":["URL and server"],"Site and home protocol":["Site and home protocol"],"Site and home are consistent":["Site and home are consistent"],"Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this.":["Note it is your responsibility to pass HTTP headers to PHP. Please contact your hosting provider for support about this."],"Accept Language":["Accept Language"],"Header value":["Header value"],"Header name":["Header name"],"HTTP Header":["HTTP Header"],"WordPress filter name":["WordPress filter name"],"Filter Name":["Filter Name"],"Cookie value":["Cookie value"],"Cookie name":["Cookie name"],"Cookie":["Cookie"],"clearing your cache.":["clearing your cache."],"If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: ":["If you are using a caching system such as Cloudflare then please read this: "],"URL and HTTP header":["URL and HTTP header"],"URL and custom filter":["URL and custom filter"],"URL and cookie":["URL and cookie"],"404 deleted":["404 deleted"],"REST API":["REST API"],"How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary":["How Redirection uses the REST API - don't change unless necessary"],"Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem.":["Take a look at the {{link}}plugin status{{/link}}. It may be able to identify and \"magic fix\" the problem."],"{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches.":["{{link}}Caching software{{/link}}, in particular Cloudflare, can cache the wrong thing. Try clearing all your caches."],"{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems.":["{{link}}Please temporarily disable other plugins!{{/link}} This fixes so many problems."],"Please see the list of common problems.":["Please see the list of common problems."],"Unable to load Redirection ☚ī¸":["Unable to load Redirection ☚ī¸"],"WordPress REST API":["WordPress REST API"],"Useragent Error":["Useragent Error"],"Unknown Useragent":["Unknown Useragent"],"Device":["Device"],"Operating System":["Operating System"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Engine":["Engine"],"Useragent":["Useragent"],"Agent":["Agent"],"No IP logging":["No IP logging"],"Full IP logging":["Full IP logging"],"Anonymize IP (mask last part)":["Anonymise IP (mask last part)"],"Monitor changes to %(type)s":["Monitor changes to %(type)s"],"IP Logging":["IP Logging"],"Geo Info":["Geo Info"],"Agent Info":["Agent Info"],"Filter by IP":["Filter by IP"],"Geo IP Error":["Geo IP Error"],"Something went wrong obtaining this information":["Something went wrong obtaining this information"],"This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed.":["This is an IP from a private network. This means it is located inside a home or business network and no more information can be displayed."],"No details are known for this address.":["No details are known for this address."],"Geo IP":["Geo IP"],"City":["City"],"Area":["Area"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Geo Location":["Geo Location"],"Powered by {{link}}redirect.li{{/link}}":["Powered by {{link}}redirect.li{{/link}}"],"Trash":["Trash"],"Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection":["Please note that Redirection requires the WordPress REST API to be enabled. If you have disabled this then you won't be able to use Redirection"],"You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the redirection.me support site.":["You can find full documentation about using Redirection on the redirection.me support site."],"https://redirection.me/":["https://redirection.me/"],"Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}https://redirection.me{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first.":["Full documentation for Redirection can be found at {{site}}https://redirection.me{{/site}}. If you have a problem please check the {{faq}}FAQ{{/faq}} first."],"If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide.":["If you want to report a bug please read the {{report}}Reporting Bugs{{/report}} guide."],"If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!":["If you want to submit information that you don't want in a public repository then send it directly via {{email}}email{{/email}} - include as much information as you can!"],"Never cache":["Never cache"],"An hour":["An hour"],"Redirect Cache":["Redirect Cache"],"How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)":["How long to cache redirected 301 URLs (via \"Expires\" HTTP header)"],"Are you sure you want to import from %s?":["Are you sure you want to import from %s?"],"Plugin Importers":["Plugin Importers"],"The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from.":["The following redirect plugins were detected on your site and can be imported from."],"total = ":["total = "],"Import from %s":["Import from %s"],"Redirection requires WordPress v%1$1s, you are using v%2$2s - please update your WordPress":["Redirection requires WordPress v%1$s, you are using v%2$s - please update your WordPress"],"Default WordPress \"old slugs\"":["Default WordPress \"old slugs\""],"Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)":["Create associated redirect (added to end of URL)"],"Redirectioni10n is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again.":["Redirectioni10n is not defined. This usually means another plugin is blocking Redirection from loading. Please disable all plugins and try again."],"If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below.":["If the magic button doesn't work then you should read the error and see if you can fix it manually, otherwise follow the 'Need help' section below."],"⚡ī¸ Magic fix ⚡ī¸":["⚡ī¸ Magic fix ⚡ī¸"],"Plugin Status":["Plugin Status"],"Custom":["Custom"],"Mobile":["Mobile"],"Feed Readers":["Feed Readers"],"Libraries":["Libraries"],"URL Monitor Changes":["URL Monitor Changes"],"Save changes to this group":["Save changes to this group"],"For example \"/amp\"":["For example \"/amp\""],"URL Monitor":["URL Monitor"],"Your server has rejected the request for being too big. You will need to reconfigure it to continue.":[""],"Also check if your browser is able to load redirection.js:":["Also check if your browser is able to load redirection.js:"],"If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache.":["If you are using a page caching plugin or service (CloudFlare, OVH, etc) then you can also try clearing that cache."],"Unable to load Redirection":["Unable to load Redirection"],"Post monitor group is valid":["Post monitor group is valid"],"Post monitor group is invalid":["Post monitor group is invalid"],"Post monitor group":["Post monitor group"],"All redirects have a valid group":["All redirects have a valid group"],"Redirects with invalid groups detected":["Redirects with invalid groups detected"],"Valid redirect group":["Valid redirect group"],"Valid groups detected":["Valid groups detected"],"No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects":["No valid groups, so you will not be able to create any redirects"],"Valid groups":["Valid groups"],"Database tables":["Database tables"],"The following tables are missing:":["The following tables are missing:"],"All tables present":["All tables present"],"Cached Redirection detected":["Cached Redirection detected"],"Please clear your browser cache and reload this page.":["Please clear your browser cache and reload this page."],"WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log.":["WordPress did not return a response. This could mean an error occurred or that the request was blocked. Please check your server error_log."],"If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue.":["If you think Redirection is at fault then create an issue."],"This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details.":["This may be caused by another plugin - look at your browser's error console for more details."],"Loading, please wait...":["Loading, please wait..."],"{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes).":["{{strong}}CSV file format{{/strong}}: {{code}}source URL, target URL{{/code}} - and can be optionally followed with {{code}}regex, http code{{/code}} ({{code}}regex{{/code}} - 0 for no, 1 for yes)."],"Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page.":["Redirection is not working. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading this page."],"If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details.":["If that doesn't help, open your browser's error console and create a {{link}}new issue{{/link}} with the details."],"Create Issue":["Create Issue"],"Email":["Email"],"Need help?":["Need help?"],"Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support.":["Please note that any support is provide on as-time-is-available basis and is not guaranteed. I do not provide paid support."],"Pos":["Pos"],"410 - Gone":["410 - Gone"],"Position":["Position"],"Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead":["Used to auto-generate a URL if no URL is given. Use the special tags {{code}}$dec${{/code}} or {{code}}$hex${{/code}} to insert a unique ID instead"],"I'd like to support some more.":["I'd like to support some more."],"Support 💰":["Support 💰"],"Import to group":["Import to group"],"Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file.":["Import a CSV, .htaccess, or JSON file."],"Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here.":["Click 'Add File' or drag and drop here."],"Add File":["Add File"],"File selected":["File selected"],"Importing":["Importing"],"Finished importing":["Finished importing"],"Total redirects imported:":["Total redirects imported:"],"Double-check the file is the correct format!":["Double-check the file is the correct format!"],"OK":["OK"],"Close":["Close"],"Export":["Export"],"Everything":["Everything"],"WordPress redirects":["WordPress redirects"],"Apache redirects":["Apache redirects"],"Nginx redirects":["Nginx redirects"],"CSV":["CSV"],"Apache .htaccess":["Apache .htaccess"],"Nginx rewrite rules":["Nginx rewrite rules"],"View":["View"],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Logs":["Logs"],"404 errors":["404 errors"],"Redirection saved":["Redirection saved"],"Log deleted":["Log deleted"],"Settings saved":["Settings saved"],"Group saved":["Group saved"],"Are you sure you want to delete this item?":["Are you sure you want to delete this item?","Are you sure you want to delete these items?"],"pass":["pass"],"All groups":["All groups"],"301 - Moved Permanently":["301 - Moved Permanently"],"302 - Found":["302 - Found"],"307 - Temporary Redirect":["307 - Temporary Redirect"],"308 - Permanent Redirect":["308 - Permanent Redirect"],"401 - Unauthorized":["401 - Unauthorised"],"404 - Not Found":["404 - Not Found"],"Title":["Title"],"When matched":["When matched"],"with HTTP code":["with HTTP code"],"Show advanced options":["Show advanced options"],"Matched Target":["Matched Target"],"Unmatched Target":["Unmatched Target"],"Saving...":["Saving..."],"View notice":["View notice"],"Something went wrong 🙁":["Something went wrong 🙁"],"Log entries (%d max)":["Log entries (%d max)"],"Bulk Actions":["Bulk Actions"],"Apply":["Apply"],"First page":["First page"],"Prev page":["Prev page"],"Current Page":["Current Page"],"of %(page)s":["of %(page)s"],"Next page":["Next page"],"Last page":["Last page"],"%s item":["%s item","%s items"],"Select All":["Select All"],"Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again":["Sorry, something went wrong loading the data - please try again"],"No results":["No results"],"Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription.":["Thanks for subscribing! {{a}}Click here{{/a}} if you need to return to your subscription."],"Newsletter":["Newsletter"],"Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?":["Want to keep up to date with changes to Redirection?"],"Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release.":["Sign up for the tiny Redirection newsletter - a low volume newsletter about new features and changes to the plugin. Ideal if you want to test beta changes before release."],"Your email address:":["Your email address:"],"You've supported this plugin - thank you!":["You've supported this plugin - thank you!"],"You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better.":["You get useful software and I get to carry on making it better."],"Forever":["Forever"],"Delete the plugin - are you sure?":["Delete the plugin - are you sure?"],"Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin.":["Deleting the plugin will remove all your redirections, logs, and settings. Do this if you want to remove the plugin for good, or if you want to reset the plugin."],"Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache.":["Once deleted your redirections will stop working. If they appear to continue working then please clear your browser cache."],"Yes! Delete the plugin":["Yes! Delete the plugin"],"No! Don't delete the plugin":["No! Don't delete the plugin"],"John Godley":["John Godley"],"Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors":["Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors."],"Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}.":["Redirection is free to use - life is wonderful and lovely! It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by {{strong}}making a small donation{{/strong}}."],"Redirection Support":["Redirection Support"],"Support":["Support"],"404s":["404s"],"Log":["Log"],"Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do.":["Selecting this option will delete all redirections, all logs, and any options associated with the Redirection plugin. Make sure this is what you want to do."],"Delete Redirection":["Delete Redirection"],"Upload":["Upload"],"Import":["Import"],"Update":["Update"],"Auto-generate URL":["Auto-generate URL"],"A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)":["A unique token allowing feed readers access to Redirection log RSS (leave blank to auto-generate)"],"RSS Token":["RSS Token"],"404 Logs":["404 Logs"],"(time to keep logs for)":["(time to keep logs for)"],"Redirect Logs":["Redirect Logs"],"I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin":["I'm a nice person and I have helped support the author of this plugin."],"Plugin Support":["Plugin Support"],"Options":["Options"],"Two months":["Two months"],"A month":["A month"],"A week":["A week"],"A day":["A day"],"No logs":["No logs"],"Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module.":["Use groups to organise your redirects. Groups are assigned to a module, which affects how the redirects in that group work. If you are unsure then stick to the WordPress module."],"Add Group":["Add Group"],"Search":["Search"],"Groups":["Groups"],"Save":["Save"],"Group":["Group"],"Regular Expression":["Regular Expression"],"Match":["Match"],"Add new redirection":["Add new redirection"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Download":["Download"],"Redirection":["Redirection"],"Settings":["Settings"],"WordPress":["WordPress"],"Error (404)":["Error (404)"],"Pass-through":["Pass-through"],"Redirect to random post":["Redirect to random post"],"Redirect to URL":["Redirect to URL"],"IP":["IP"],"Source URL":["Source URL"],"Date":["Date"],"Add Redirect":["Add Redirect"],"View Redirects":["View Redirects"],"Module":["Module"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Name":["Name"],"Filters":["Filters"],"Reset hits":["Reset hits"],"Enable":["Enable"],"Disable":["Disable"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Last Access":["Last Access"],"Hits":["Hits"],"URL":["URL"],"Modified Posts":["Modified Posts"],"Redirections":["Redirections"],"User Agent":["User Agent"],"URL and user agent":["URL and user agent"],"Target URL":["Target URL"],"URL only":["URL only"],"HTTP code":["HTTP code"],"Regex":["Regex"],"Referrer":["Referrer"],"URL and referrer":["URL and referrer"],"Logged Out":["Logged Out"],"Logged In":["Logged In"],"URL and login status":["URL and login status"],"plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"}// Simplex 4.0.0 // Bootswatch // // Color system // $white: #fff !default; $gray-100: #f8f9fa !default; $gray-200: #ddd !default; $gray-300: #ccc !default; $gray-400: #bbb !default; $gray-500: #adb5bd !default; $gray-600: #777 !default; $gray-700: #444 !default; $gray-800: #373a3c !default; $gray-900: #212529 !default; $black: #000 !default; $blue: #007bff !default; $indigo: #6610f2 !default; $purple: #9B479F !default; $pink: #e83e8c !default; $red: #D9230F !default; $orange: #D9831F !default; $yellow: #ffc107 !default; $green: #469408 !default; $teal: #20c997 !default; $cyan: #029ACF !default; $primary: $red !default; $secondary: $white !default; $success: $green !default; $info: $cyan !default; $warning: $purple !default; $danger: $orange !default; $light: $white !default; $dark: $gray-800 !default; // Body $body-bg: #FCFCFC !default; // Fonts $font-family-sans-serif: "Open Sans", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol" !default; $font-size-base: 0.8125rem !default; // Dropdowns $dropdown-link-hover-color: $white !default; $dropdown-link-hover-bg: $primary !default; // Navs $nav-link-padding-y: .9rem !default; $nav-link-disabled-color: $gray-400 !default; $nav-tabs-border-color: darken(#fff, 6.5%) !default; // Navbar $navbar-dark-color: rgba($white,.75) !default; $navbar-dark-hover-color: $white !default; // Pagination $pagination-border-color: $nav-tabs-border-color !default; $pagination-hover-color: $white !default; $pagination-hover-bg: $primary !default; $pagination-hover-border-color: $primary !default; $pagination-disabled-color: $gray-400 !default; $pagination-disabled-border-color: $pagination-border-color !default; // Jumbotron $jumbotron-bg: $nav-tabs-border-color !default; // Cards $card-border-color: $nav-tabs-border-color !default; // Popovers $popover-border-color: $nav-tabs-border-color !default; // Modals $modal-content-border-color: $nav-tabs-border-color !default; $modal-header-border-color: $nav-tabs-border-color !default; // Progress bars $progress-bar-color: $primary !default; // List group $list-group-border-color: $nav-tabs-border-color !default; $list-group-disabled-bg: $nav-tabs-border-color !default; // Breadcrumbs $breadcrumb-bg: $white !default; SHOPIFY ACCOUNTANTS – Moonstone Accountants


Specialized Accounting Services for Shopify Sellers

If you’re a Shopify store owner aiming to elevate your e-commerce business to the next level, look no further than Moonstone Accountants, your trusted partner for managing your financial matters. With our expert knowledge and experience in Shopify accounting, we can streamline your financial processes, maximize your profits, and ensure compliance with tax regulations.

Shopify, while a powerful e-commerce platform, presents intricate challenges. Managing listings, customer service, refunds, order fulfillment, product inventory, staffing, and more is already overwhelming. The last thing you want is to be burdened with accounting and taxation implications. This is where specialist accountants offering dedicated Shopify services come to your aid.

On your website, you may offer multiple payment options such as Shopify Payments, PayPal, Amazon Pay, or one of the 100+ credit card payment providers integrated with Shopify. Additionally, settlements are often net of transaction charges, further complicating your accounting processes.

Moreover, you may not be limited to Shopify and may also sell your products on various e-commerce marketplaces. This diversification increases the complexity of your business, affecting your accounting processes. You might employ an order management software like Linnworks or Expandly, which further impacts your accounting.

We are a UK-based specialist Shopify eCommerce accounting firm, ready to help you integrate and streamline your entire accounting process using leading cloud accounting software like Quickbooks, allowing you to focus more on growing your business.

Your dedicated accountant will also assist you in comprehending your daily sales and Shopify payouts.

Why Choose Moonstone Accountants for Your Shopify Selling Needs?

Time-Saving: We employ apps and integrations to efficiently retrieve data from your Shopify store. Unlike accountants lacking the specialized knowledge we possess, who may manually reconcile Shopify data by pulling reports from your store, we request Collaborator access to your Shopify store. This grants us the capability to resolve reconciliation queries on your Shopify data independently. It doesn’t occupy a user license on your Shopify subscription, saving you time.

An Accountant That Understands Your Business: While standard accountants have only a general understanding of e-commerce accounting, specialist E-commerce Shopify financial advisors have an in-depth comprehension of your business and its accounting requirements. This means fewer questions from us and more time for you to focus on growing your business.

Getting Your Accounting for Platform and Marketplace Payouts Right: E-commerce accounting specialists employ specific accounting apps, like A2X, and grasp the intricacies of platform and marketplace payouts. With potentially thousands of transactions within a single payout and sales occurring worldwide, a specialist E-commerce accountant ensures correct accounting of payouts.

Guiding You On VAT/GST Registrations in Other Countries: Most businesses don’t need to register for VAT outside the UK. However, for e-commerce businesses selling to other countries, VAT/GST registration may be required. We are experienced in this area and can assist with VAT registrations and filing requirements in other countries.

Taxes are a major concern for all, including Shopify accountants. UK laws mandate that you provide information, even for your online e-commerce website accounts. As your income increases, ensuring that you pay all relevant taxes on time is crucial. Moonstone Accountants for Shopify ensure compliance with HMRC deadlines, taking care of self-employed taxes and necessary self-assessment forms promptly.

Benefits of Choosing Moonstone Accountants

Specialized Knowledge in Shopify Accounting: At Moonstone Accountants, we have a dedicated team of accountants who specialize in Shopify accounting. We comprehend the unique financial needs and challenges faced by Shopify store owners. Our expertise in the e-commerce industry allows us to provide tailored solutions aligned with your business goals.

Experience and Reputation: With years of experience serving clients in the e-commerce sector, Moonstone Accountants has established a reputation for excellence. Our track record attests to our ability to help numerous Shopify store owners optimize their financial processes and achieve sustainable growth. When you choose us, you choose a partner who thoroughly understands your industry.

Proactive Approach: We believe in being proactive rather than reactive. Our team actively monitors your financial performance, identifying potential issues before they arise and offering timely advice to mitigate risks. By staying ahead of the game, we ensure that your business remains agile and well-prepared for future challenges.

Seamless Integration with Shopify: As Shopify accountants, we employ the latest technology to streamline your financial processes. We can seamlessly integrate with your Shopify platform, automating data entry and reducing the risk of errors. This integration provides real-time financial monitoring and reporting, granting you full visibility into your business’s financial health.

Personalized Service: Moonstone Accountants believes in building strong client relationships. We invest time to understand your unique needs and tailor our services accordingly. Your dedicated account manager will collaborate closely with you, delivering personalized attention and support throughout our partnership.

When it comes to managing the financial aspects of your Shopify store, Moonstone Accountants is the partner you can trust. With our specialized knowledge, experience, and dedication to your success, we are committed to helping you achieve your business goals. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your e-commerce venture.

Comprehensive Services Tailored for Shopify Store Owners

Moonstone Accountants offers a wide range of services crafted specifically for Shopify business owners. Here’s how we can assist your venture:

1. Bookkeeping and Accounting: Delegate the burdens of bookkeeping and accounting to us, freeing up your time to focus on expanding your business. Our team of seasoned accountants will manage your daily financial transactions, guaranteeing accurate recording and up-to-date financial statements. From reconciling bank accounts to overseeing cash flow, we’ve got your back.

2. Tax Compliance and Planning: Navigating the intricate world of taxation can be overwhelming, but with Moonstone Accountants as your ally, you can have peace of mind. We stay well-informed about the ever-evolving tax laws and regulations, ensuring your business remains compliant. Our tax planning strategies are designed to minimize liabilities and maximize deductions, ultimately saving you money.

3. Financial Analysis and Reporting: Grasping your business’s financial health is essential for making informed decisions. Our team will furnish you with detailed financial analysis and reports, providing insights into key performance indicators, profitability, and cash flow. Armed with this information, you can make strategic choices to drive growth and profitability.

4. Payroll Management: Managing payroll can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Allow us to take care of it for you. Our payroll management services guarantee precise and timely wage payments, tax deductions, and compliance with employment regulations. With a streamlined payroll process, you can concentrate on what matters most – growing your Shopify business.

5. Business Advisory Services: As Shopify accountants, we do more than just number crunching; we offer valuable advice and guidance to assist you in scaling your e-commerce business. Our team will collaborate closely with you to pinpoint growth opportunities, optimize your profitability, and surmount financial challenges. We are committed to being your trusted partner every step of the way.

The Advantages of Collaborating with Shopify Seller Accountants

E-commerce accounting operates differently from traditional accounting, and it necessitates a unique level of specialist knowledge and understanding.

A specialist Shopify E-Commerce accountant ensures that the entire accounting process is streamlined and efficient by automating and integrating the key processes.

Consequently, less client input is needed, allowing them to concentrate on growing their Shopify website.

Get in Touch with Moonstone Accountants Today

If you’re seeking reliable and expert financial services for your Shopify business, look no further than Moonstone Accountants. By selecting Moonstone Accountants as your trusted partner, you can rest assured that your Shopify accounting needs are in capable hands. With our specialized knowledge, tailored solutions, and commitment to your success, we will empower you to make informed financial decisions, optimize your profitability, and navigate the complexities of Shopify. Don’t let accounting become a burden – let us handle it for you! Contact Moonstone Accountants today to embark on your journey toward financial success in Shopify.

Introducing Abul Nurujjaman: Leading the Way as a Top Shopify Accountant in London

Meet our Award-Winning Managing Director Abul Nurujjaman is a highly acclaimed accountant based in London, boasting numerous accolades in his field. As the esteemed founder of Moonstone Accountants, Abul has spearheaded the company’s remarkable growth and transformed it into one of the most reputable Shopify accounting firms in London.

Embracing Innovation for Enhanced Efficiency At Moonstone Accountants, we harness cutting-edge technology to streamline our operations and provide our clients with unparalleled service. As an advocate of advancements in the industry, Abul takes great pleasure in utilizing platforms such as QuickBooks, Xero, and FreeAgent to meet diverse needs and fuel the growth of businesses.

Discover More about Abul Nurujjaman To learn more about the driving force behind Moonstone Accountants’ success, explore the page dedicated to Abul Nurujjaman on our website. Gain insight into his expertise and discover how his visionary leadership has positioned Moonstone Accountants at the forefront of the accounting industry in London.












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